Monday, April 7, 2014

Raw 4/7/14 Where Do We Go From Here?

Not only is Wrestlemania a huge day on the WWE calender but the Raw after Wrestlemania is turning into a very large day as well.  Tonight is an odd combination of what seems like Opening Day in a sport like baseball as well as New Years Day.  There is a lot to review from last night's event as well as quite a bit to set up being that Extreme Rules is right around the corner.  The two biggest things are obviously Daniel Bryan winning the WWE World Heavyweight Championship and Brock Lesnar beating the streak.

Obviously Daniel Bryan deserves to kick off the show celebrating his WWE World Heavyweight Championship win.  Obviously it will be interrupted.  Randy Orton is still due a rematch and I'm sure that will be set up tonight on Raw.

One tradition that the WWE may go with is a few rematches the night after Wrestlemania.  If this direction is continued then it would be beneficial for The Usos to face off against the Real Americans.  This would be another big win for The Usos as well as continue the split between the Real Americans.  Obviously with Cesaro winning the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal he will be pushed as a singles superstar not as a part of a tag team.

There will obviously be some sort of aftermath between John Cena and Bray Wyatt.  I have a major issue with Cena winning at Wrestlemania.  Not because I have anything against Cena but I question where they go from here.  I thought it would be best to continue this feud since there are few options for Cena and after a huge loss where does Bray go from here?  I think both guys will pretty much be lost for the next month or so unless they continue the feud with the Wyatt Family somehow getting the upper hand.

I think one of the biggest missed opportunities leading up to Wrestlemania was the lack of a Intercontinental Championship match.  With some extra space on the card I think Big E should get a match at Extreme Rules.  Tonight is where the seeds need to be planted.  With some interesting competition a small tournament over the next week would be interesting.  If they had Dolph Ziggler, Alberto Del Rio, Sheamus and who ever eliminated Big E at Wrestlemania in a 4 man tournament over Raw and Smackdown I think that could be a good place to start.  Overall I think Alberto Del Rio is the best direction to go in but they should have him earn it in the ring.

Obviously The Authority angle is still looming large in the WWE.  Tonight will be no different.  The only thing out of the norm will be Triple H and Stephanie in the middle of the ring making excuses to how Triple H lost last night to Daniel Bryan.  Due to the loss Triple H will need to be taking an extended break from the ring.

The Divas action has picked up quite a bit over the last few months.  Due to this I think the division deserved better than they received last night.  I would book a match tonight showcasing their top talent like AJ, Tamina, Natalya and Emma.  I understand that the Divas from Total Divas are getting an extended push but it seems as though the WWE will not put the belt on one of those Divas just because they are on a reality show.

Last night The Undertaker's streak of 21 straight victories at Wrestlemania ended.  Tonight Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman will gloat about this.  The only issue is this leaves Brock without a worthy opponent.  They will most likely challenge Daniel Bryan but we all know Randy Orton will receive a rematch.  We know we won't see The Undertaker rematch.  We saw Brock vs John Cena two years ago.  Batista will be looking for a new opponent but with both Brock and Batista heels they won't face off.  Because of this I think the Beast should be attacked by a few of the biggest faces in the WWE...The Shield!  This would plant the seeds for a fresh feud between Brock Lesnar and Roman Reigns.

There is other speculation and predictions that can be made about a few other guys.  Since The Undertaker lost there is speculation that he may retire from in ring competition.  There are also rumors that Sting will make his first ever appearance with the WWE.  Needless to say there is no proof to either of these things as WWE has not announced either.  I won't continue any sort of speculation but I would welcome an appearance by one or both guys.

Sunday, April 6, 2014


The road to Wrestlemania comes to its end today in New Orleans.  Today is the biggest day in Pro Wrestling.  All the storylines have been set and its time to get the guys in the ring to settle their disputes.  I for one am ready.  Since its been about 6 weeks since Elimination Chamber, we've had a long enough build up.  Since there isn't much left to book I'm going to leave my predictions, put who I would book to win and put the matches in the order I would book them.

It all starts with the Wrestlemania XXX pre-show on the WWE Network.  (Quick tangent, this network is without a doubt worth the $9.99 a month.  I've already gotten my moneys worth for the first month plus I would have spent more that $60 to get Wrestlemania in HD.)  Obviously its been announced that it will be the WWE Tag Team Championship match featuring The Usos, The Real Americans, Los Matadors and RybAxel.

Who should win: The Usos should pin a member of RybAxel.
Who will win: The Usos will pin Jack Swagger leading to a break up of the Real Americans.

I am a fan of having your opening bout be a relatvely big matchup.  I loved when they had Edge vs Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship to kick off Wrestlemania 27.  That being said I would book John Cena vs Bray Wyatt to kick off Wrestlemania XXX.

Who should win: Bray Wyatt with a clean victory over John Cena.  Only a little bit of help from the Wyatt Family.
Who will win: John Cena.  Five moves of doom, AAs to both Harper and Rowan then a second AA for Bray.

Next up I'd book The Shield vs Corporate Kane and the Corporate Outlaws.  Yes, I'm using their dumb names because that's what Michael Cole calls them.  As good as all these guys are its still a match that is early on the card.

Who should win: The Shield should dominate this match.
Who will win: Roman Reigns will win the match after having Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose turn on him.

Since I don't see the winner of the Daniel Bryan vs Triple H match going in back to back matches I think it would be best to stick this match towards the early part of the card.  That way there is a break for the winner.

Who should win: Daniel Bryan.  After the match Triple H should give Bryan a beating that leads to him being taken out with the doctors.  Leaving him questionable for the main event.
Who will win: Daniel Bryan.

Next up is the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.  There are three remaining spots open in this match.  I might as well make a few predictions that are sure to go wrong.  The three guys that I would have in the match are Rob Van Dam, Adrian Neville and The Ultimate Warrior.

Who should win: Dolph Ziggler.  He's a main event caliber talent, hopefully this will restart his push.
Who will win: Alexander Rusev.

One of the longest running traditions in Wrestlemania history is up next.  The Streak!  When you consider that The Undertaker is looking to go 22-0 in Wrestlemania XXX.  This is impressive not due to the amount of wins but just the fact that he is going to be involved in his 22nd Wrestlemania match.  Very few guys have been able to do that.  For example Hulk Hogan is only going to be involved in his 13th Wrestlemania and I'm including Wrestlemania 21 when he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.  The Streak is very important to the WWE that being said Brock Lesnar is not the type of guy who they will have end the streak.  The streak if ever ended will have to be ended by a young superstar along the lines of Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Big E.

Who should win: The Undertaker
Who will win: 22-0

After what is sure to be an epic match there will need to be a buffer period before the main event.  After being at Metlife Stadium a year ago for Wrestlemania 29 I found it difficult to watch 3 consecutive huge matches.  Not to down play the Divas but they were set up to have a match in between two big battles.  I don't like this match, I think the Divas should have gotten a one on one, triple threat or fatal 4-way.  There are too many competitors in this match and it is very difficult for someone to stand out.

Who should win: AJ Lee should pin Tamina.  They could have a plan going into the match.  Everyone will begin to beat up on AJ.  After it turns into an all out brawl Tamina lays down for AJ similar to how Nash did for Hogan.  Then we get Tamina to turn on AJ leading to their eventual feud.
Who will win: Brie Bella.

Finally we have the main event.  Randy Orton vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.  As I said earlier I think it would be best to leave Daniel Bryan questionable for the main event.  That being said I would have it announced that Daniel Bryan is still being evaluated by the medical team.  Then introduce Batista and Randy Orton.  Allow those two to begin the match.  The crowd will hate the beginning, boo both men and wait for Daniel Bryan.  The purpose of this would be to get the crowd extremely hot.  Then at some point about 10 minutes into the match have both guys take each other out.  With them laying on the mat have Bryan's music hit.  At this point the crowd will explode.  Allow the triple threat match to happen from there.

Who should win: Daniel Bryan
Who will win: Daniel Bryan.

The show closes with confetti, Daniel Bryan and Brie Bella leading a Yes cheer and the good guys in the locker room coming out to celebrate with the NEEEEWWWW  WWE World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan.  YES! YES! YES!